Photo Friday (Or, I Caved and Joined Instagram)
What images symbolize genealogy?
Family pictures?
Documents or old books?
Something else?
To be honest, I wasn’t entirely sure myself, but I think I’m about to find out. This week I finally caved and joined Instagram. Not so long ago, I was Instagram-less, going through life like Emma Stone in this Billy on the Street video:
To be clear, Not Being On Instagram is the only thing me and Emma Stone ever had in common.
I like taking pictures but I haven’t always been clear on what the venn diagram looks like between genealogy and photography. However, the purpose of this blog is to give you, the reader, and idea of what I’m up to and what the day-to-day life of a genealogist looks like. What better way to show you than with pictures?
Most of these are photos that I took in the last month. I visit a lot of old municipal buildings and libraries when I’m pulling records for cases. For example, the photo of the window was taken inside of 60 Centre Street, also know as New York State Supreme Court building or the New York County Courthouse.
For more pictures (different pictures!), follow me on Instagram!